Bioidentical Hormones replacement Ft. Worth, TX

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has become an extremely popular option for both women and men looking to restore optimal hormonal levels and reverse the signs and symptoms associated with hormone imbalance and decline. Hormone Harmony Clinic specializes in customized BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE treatment plans to help patients feel healthy, energized and youthful again.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. That means they are biochemically recognized by your cells and tissues as the exact same hormones your body produces. At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we use a compounding pharmacy to formulate treatment plans from plant-derived BIOIDENTICAL estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other hormones matched to your individual hormonal needs and metabolism.

Our services

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Imbalances in key hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can cause wide-ranging signs and symptoms. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance include:

Bioidentical hormone replacement aims to restore optimal hormonal balance and reverse these disruptive symptoms to dramatically improve quality of life.

Restore balance, feel youthful again with BHRT.

Who Benefits from Bioidentical HRT?

There are two key groups that often benefit from customized bioidentical hormone treatment protocols:

Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women

As women approach perimenopause and menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels start to fluctuate and decline. Supplementing these declining hormones with bioidentical versions can effectively treat hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal atrophy, dry skin, mood swings and sleep issues.

Balancing these hormones also protects heart, bone and brain health while minimizing menopause-related health risks.

Men and Women with Low Testosterone

Testosterone plays key roles in both men and women related to sex drive, energy levels, muscle and bone strength. But testosterone levels start to decline around age 30 and significantly drop for both genders as we age.

Low testosterone levels lead to low energy, weight gain, emotional changes, reduced motivation and loss of interest in activities. Restoring testosterone with bioidentical hormone treatments enhances vitality, motivation, strength and weight management.

Customized Treatment Approach

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we tailor bioidentical hormone treatment plans to each individual’s hormonal status, metabolism and health goals. We take time to listen to your health history and desired outcomes.

Initial hormonal blood tests help pinpoint imbalances. Follow-up testing allows us to continually adjust dosing to keep your customized hormones balanced properly.

Frequent patient interactions and dose adjustments set us apart from “one-size-fits-all” approaches with synthetic hormone drugs. We partner with you to fine tune your bioidentical hormones for optimal restoration of health, wellbeing and vitality.

Hormone Therapy Overview

BIOIDENTICAL hormone therapy provided by Hormone Harmony Clinic is administered in natural, bioidentical forms such as gels, creams, tablets or pellets that continually release hormones into your bloodstream. This restores stable, youthful hormonal levels and provides reliable symptom relief 24x7.

We avoid synthetic hormone drugs which can overstimulate tissues and cause severe side effects. With expertise in anti-aging medicine, functional and regenerative treatments, our practitioners offer integrated care for lasting results.

"Balancing your BIOIDENTICAL hormones with natural versions identical to your own body’s hormones offers the benefits without side effects.”

Interesting fact

Unlike conventional hormone therapy, bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. Studies show that bioidentical estrogens and progesterone may carry a lower risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease for women using hormone therapy, though more research is still needed in this emerging area.

Diagnostic Testing is Critical

Comprehensive hormonal blood panels help identify deficient hormone levels related to symptoms. Key hormones we evaluate before developing customized treatment plans include:

Testosterone - Impacts sex drive, energy, strength & weight
Estrogen - Influences menstrual cycles, skin health & hormones
Progesterone - Regulates menstrual cycle & supports pregnancy DHEA - Supports energy, immunity, mood & bone strength
Thyroid (T3 & T4) - Regulates metabolism, weight & energy

Testing also evaluates levels of cortisol, the stress hormone which can disrupt sleep, immunity and weight management if overproduced.

Follow-up blood tests allow us to continually monitor and adjust BIOIDENTICAL hormone doses for optimal balance. Testing enables a true preventive, anti-aging medicine approach.

"Identifying and correcting deficient hormone levels before disruption and disease sets in is the key to living younger longer with BHRT.”

Starting BHRT Therapy

We begin bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) by meeting to discuss your signs, symptoms, medical history and health goals. This helps us identify target hormones for customized treatment.

Baseline blood tests give us a clear picture of any hormone deficiencies related to concerning symptoms. We’ll also evaluate vitamin levels, cholesterol markers, blood counts and other health metrics.

Initial testing takes 1-2 weeks for results. We then develop a tailored BIOIDENTICAL hormone treatment plan - usually starting with key hormones like estrogen, progesterone or testosterone. Follow-up blood tests are done regularly to monitor and adjust dosing until hormone levels and symptoms are optimized.

“Fine tuning your bioidentical hormone levels erases frustrating signs of aging and restores health from the inside out.”

Most patients start feeling dramatically better within 4-6 weeks after we’ve restored optimal hormone balance. Follow-up visits and testing ensure continual balance. Treatments are convenient, effective and very safe when properly dosed and monitored.

Experience the benefits of BHRT today!

Hormone Harmony Clinic Advantages

There are many reasons to choose Hormone Harmony Clinic for your bioidentical hormone therapy:

Dr. Stevens and Dr. Jones have over 25 years combined experience optimizing hormones and helping patients master healthy aging. We stay current on the latest medical research and continually expand our toolkit.

Our outstanding patient reviews validate our commitment to service, customization and exceptional outcomes. We invite you to join our family of happy, vibrant patients!

Bioidentical HRT Lifestyle Recommendations

BIOIDENTICAL hormone therapy effectively restores optimal hormonal balance from the inside out. We also provide lifestyle recommendations to support great results:

Nutrition - An anti-inflammatory diet high in produce, plant fats and clean proteins protects hormones and health while controlling weight.

Exercise - Regular movement, strength training and both HIIT and LISS cardio exercise enhance hormonal balance and offset age-related muscle loss.

Stress Relief - Chronic stress disrupts hormone levels and immunity - relaxation practices like yoga, nature immersion and meditation counter stress overload.

Quality Sleep - Restorative 7-9 hour sleep cycles support hormonal rhythms and recharge mental and physical vitality.

Community - Social connection has proven anti-aging benefits for mind, mood and cognitive resilience as we age.

Bioidentical hormone optimization combined with targeted lifestyle upgrades allows patients to achieve transformative rejuvenation and live life to the fullest.

Helpful Local Establishments

The DFW area offers abundant healthy lifestyle resources to support great bioidentical hormone replacement outcomes. Here are some of our favorites:


Managing hormone levels with properly dosed BIOIDENTICAL estrogen, testosterone, thyroid and other hormonesoffers transformative revitalization as both women and men age. Diagnostic testing combined with expert medical management eliminates frustrating symptoms that can make life a lot less enjoyable.

Hormone Harmony Clinic invites you to explore bioidentical hormone replacement tailored to your unique needs. We guide you through testing, developing a customized treatment plan, continual monitoring, and lifestyle upgrades that help you master healthy aging with exceptional vitality.

Our outstanding patient reviews validate this personalized approach. We look forward to welcoming you as our next happy BHRT patient!

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